message from the coach


our campaign for 2021 has ended. thank you to all those that gave and supported our team. We look forward to seeing you at the park this spring!!


We are raising funds to pay for equipment and materials that are required for a successful program. This includes everything from keeping our facilities first class, EQUIPMENT and YEAR ROUND TRAINING. Fundraising is one of the primary ways we pay for those costs. We appreciate every donation!


The majority of our budget comes from donations. We need your support in order to provide our student athletes with quality equipment, resources and support they need to be successful on and off the field.

Oak mtn momentum

TEAM GOAL $10,000 RAISED: $10,935 DONORS: 143

our campaign for 2021 has ended. thank you to all those that gave and supported our team. We look forward to seeing you at the park this spring!! 

$1,000 donation

Donation impact

We are very proud of what we’ve built here over the years but keeping our facilities maintained every year can be very costly.  Your donation of $1,000 could help us cover the cost of the rye grass, mound clay and infield dirt that are required keep our playing surfaces in pristine condition.

$500 donation

Donation impact

Strength and conditioning is at the heart of our player development program. We partner with Godspeed to provide professional strength and conditioning instruction to our players. A donation of $500 could help cover the costs associated with giving our players year round access to their services.

$250 donation

Donation impact

We are very fortunate to have indoor batting facilities that allow us to practice if the weather keeps us off the field.  A donation of $250 could help cover the costs of a new L-screen to keep our players and coaches safe in the cages. 

$100 donation

Donation impact

In a year like we have seen with many games being canceled because of Covid-19, every game that we can play becomes ever more essential.  For times when a tarp could not be on the field, a donation of $100 dollars could provide for enough diamond dry to get our field ready to play after a day of rain.

$50 donation

Donation impact

Did you know that on a typical day of games at our park, we can go through up to one case of baseballs?  Your donation of $50 could provide for enough baseballs for one game.